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4 Simple Valentine’s Day Breaths to Add Mindfulness to Your Holiday Activities

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to bring mindfulness and connection into your classroom or home through creative Valentine’s Day breaths!

As Valentine’s Day has always been the most popular holiday for our Kids Yoga Stories community, we put together these simple, engaging heart-inspired breathing exercises to help children (and adults) regulate their emotions while boosting focus and calm.

Whether you’re an educator looking to add a special touch to your Valentine’s Day-themed lesson or a parent hoping to bring more mindfulness into your holiday activities, these heart-inspired breathing activities are easy to integrate into your daily routine.

These Valentine’s Day breathing exercises inspire calm, connection, and focus. They are designed to fit seamlessly into busy schedules and can be practiced individually, in pairs, or as a group. 

Let’s celebrate the holiday of love with intentional breaths that nurture the heart, body, and mind!


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4 Creative Valentine’s Day Breaths to Do Something Different and Unique that Helps Regulation and Focus

Here are four creative Valentine’s Day breathing techniques to help you integrate calm and focus into this month of love. Find these breathing exercises and many more in our popular Breathing Exercises for Kids Cards.

Cards from our Breathing Exercise Cards for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories

1-Heart-Shaped Breath

How to practice heart-shaped breath: Take your pointer finger out in front of you. As you trace a heart shape in the air, practice inhaling and exhaling deeply. Focus your eyes on your moving finger and feel your belly expand and contract with your deep belly breathing. 

Heart-Shaped Breath

2-Rose Petal Breath

Imagine holding a rose flower. Imagine the red color and the smell of the rose. Then inhale deeply through your nose, pretending to smell the rose. Then exhale through your mouth, pretending to blow the rose petals. Repeat the cycle of a strong inhalation and gentle exhalation for a couple of minutes, if possible. You could also imagine yourself sitting in a garden of fresh roses. 

Rose Petal Breath | Kids Yoga Story
Rose Petal Breath

3-Loving Kindness Breath

How to practice Loving Kindness Breath: As you exhale, think of filling yourself with love. Imagine the color red enveloping your body as you inhale. On the next exhalation, think of sending love and kindness to someone close to you. On the next exhalation, send loving kindness to someone you’re having a difficult relationship with. Then send love and kindness out to the world around you: the animals, the trees, your neighbors, and your community. Lastly, send out love and kindness to the world. Finish your loving kindness breath by coming back to breathing naturally. When you are ready, open your eyes. Spread love for Valentine’s Day.

Loving Kindness breath | Kids Yoga Stories
Loving Kindness Breath

4-Back-to-Back Breathing

How to practice Back-to-Back Breathing: Pick a partner and sit back-to-back on the floor in a cross-legged position. Take a moment to ensure that your spines are straight and that you are comfortably touching each other’s backs. Place your palms on your knees. When you’re both ready, inhale deeply for three counts then exhale deeply together for three counts. Repeat this pattern of inhaling for three counts then exhaling for three counts, focusing on matching the rhythms of your partner’s breaths. Feel the breath movement on your partner’s back. Close your eyes, if that’s comfortable.

Back-to-Back Breath | Kids Yoga Stories
Back-to-Back Breath

The beauty of these breathing exercises is that you can seamlessly incorporate them into your daily routine, without adding anything extra to your jam-packed schedule.

You can use these Valentine’s Day Breaths as a “Breath of the Day/Week” in your classroom, to start with a breath at Morning Meeting, or as you begin your Valentine’s Day story time.

As this special holiday approaches, remember that a little creativity, mindfulness, and the magic of these Valentine’s Breaths can make all the difference in keeping young minds focused, calm, and ready to learn.




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