5 Yoga Poses for Grateful Kids
“The attitude of gratitude is the highest way of living, and is the biggest truth, the highest truth. You cannot live with applied consciousness until you understand that you have to be grateful for what you have. If you are grateful for what you have, then Mother Nature will give you more.” — Yogi Bhajan
Grateful Yoga.
Is it just me, or is it not the most heart-warming experience to hear your child expressing their gratitude for something or someone? I feel like time stops in that moment when my daughter is expressing herself. To hear her little voice saying why she’s grateful—be it for her cool new birthday present, for her dad taking a day off to attend her school performance, or for me organizing a neighborhood party—just melts my heart.
In this world of over-abundance, when it feels like children have too much of everything (toys, screen time, after-school classes, clothes…), the biggest gift can often be just taking a moment to look around to be grateful for our lives and for the little things—the music we play each morning at breakfast, the stars in the night sky, or books to read together on the couch.
Below you’ll find five yoga poses to celebrate these special things in life, but if you’re looking for more poses, check out our Gratitude Yoga Cards for Kids with twenty “I am grateful for” statements and twenty matching yoga postures. Introducing grateful yoga.
5 “I Am Grateful” Yoga Poses for Kids
Follow the five-pose flow below to celebrate our gratitude through movement. Don’t worry if you haven’t tried yoga before—just jump in and give it a try. Clear the space, practice barefoot, and have fun. The focus is on introducing yoga to children, not on perfectly aligned poses. Be safe, but also encourage them to explore their creativity.
1. Trees that provide us with oxygen.
How to practice Tree Pose: Stand on one leg. Bend the knee of the leg you are not standing on, place the sole of your foot on the opposite inner thigh or calf (just not on your knee), and balance. Pretend to be a tree making oxygen. Switch sides and repeat the steps.
2. Stars to make wishes upon.
How to practice Star Pose: From a standing position, step your feet out wide. Lift both arms out to your sides and above your head, with your fingers spread out. Pretend to be a shooting star in the night sky.
3. Rain clouds that bring us fresh water.
How to practice Standing Forward Bend: From Mountain Pose, bend your upper body, keep a straight spine, and reach for your toes. Pretend to be a cloud and that your arms are the falling rain.
4. Bees that pollinate our crops.
How to practice Hero Pose: Come to rest upright on your heels with your palms resting on your knees. Pretend to be a bee by making a buzzing sound and flapping your hands like the wings of a bee.
5. The earth and its animals, people, and places.
How to practice Child’s Pose: Sit on your heels, slowly bring your forehead down to rest on the floor in front of your knees, rest your arms down alongside your body, and take a few deep breaths. Pretend to be the earth.
What’s your favorite grateful yoga pose?
Check Out Our Gratitude Yoga Cards for Kids
Be grateful for the teachers who help you learn, the trees that provide us with oxygen, and the many friends who make you laugh!
Find creative ways to appreciate the good things around you by practicing gratitude yoga. The practice of both gratitude and yoga are gifts we can give our children that will last a lifetime.
Download these 56 digital Gratitude Yoga cards to learn through movement in your home, classroom, or studio. The deck includes an index card, yoga tips, pose instructions, 20 yoga pose cards, and 20 matching gratitude cards. The multicultural yoga kids are from seven countries. Ages 3+.
Purchase Gratitude Yoga Cards for Kids here.
You May Also Enjoy Thanksgiving Yoga Cards for Kids
Practice these 12 yoga postures to celebrate this special occasion through movement. Each yoga pose is coupled with 12 Thanksgiving-themed keywords (ex.be a turkey, pumpkin, and sunflower). End your yoga session with a Gratitude Meditation. An index, yoga tips, pose descriptions, and guided meditation are included. The illustrated yoga kids are multicultural from seven countries. Recommended ages: 3+.
Purchase Thanksgiving Yoga Cards for Kids here.
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