Yoga for Spring (+ Printable Poster)
Spring is almost here!
Looking out over a snow-covered backyard, I am definitely ready for spring here on the East Coast of the US. It’s time to get out the spring-themed library books, get outside to observe the changing of the seasons, and put away our winter coats.
What better way to celebrate spring than through simple yoga poses for children. Be a bird, bee, and butterfly!
Take a walk through your neighborhood or to your local park and look for signs of spring.
You can follow the suggested yoga for spring sequence below or make up your own yoga poses. The idea is to have the children learn about spring through movement, so encourage their creativity and storytelling. You could practice these yoga poses at home, in your classroom, or at the park. Simply kick off your shoes and socks, clear some space, and get into action. Enjoy spring yoga!
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Yoga for Spring with these 5 easy yoga poses for kids:
1. Sun | Sun Salute or Extended Mountain Pose
How to practice Extended Mountain Pose: stand tall in Mountain Pose, look up, reach your arms up to the sky, and place your palms together.
2. Tree | Tree Pose
How to practice Tree Pose: stand on one leg, bend your opposite knee, place the sole of your foot on your inner thigh, and balance. Sway like a tree in the breeze.
3. Bird | Warrior 3 Pose
How to practice Warrior 3 Pose: stand on one leg. Extend the other leg behind you. Bend your torso forward and take your arms out in front of you to pretend that you are flapping your wings like a bird.
4. Rain | Standing Forward Bend
How to practice Standing Forward Bend Pose: from Mountain Pose, bend your upper body, reach for your toes, and hang your arms like the falling rain.
5. Planting a Garden | Squat Pose
How to practice Squat Pose: come down to a squat and pretend to plant seeds in the garden.
Enjoy 5 Spring Yoga Poses for Kids Video

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Further Activities for Spring
- Take pictures of the children practicing the poses and make a “spring book.”
- Take a trip to the park or playground to see, hear, smell, and touch spring. Paint pictures of what they experience. Make a collective spring mural.
- Write a spring poem or story and read it aloud together.
- Create a wall dedicated to spring and decorate it with their artwork. Make 3-D versions of all the keywords.
- Take magnifying glasses and a science notebook to record their observations while visiting a local park.
- Pair them up with older or younger students to do a spring activity.
- Using magazine cut-outs or photos, make a collage comparing spring to the other seasons.
- Read spring and Easter books. Have the children write book reports and share your favorites.
- Look at the world map to discuss which countries are experiencing which seasons.
- Choose one animal that reminds you of spring and research at least three facts about that animal.
- Write your own spring yoga story about signs that spring is coming to your neighborhood.
- Take a photo walk around your neighborhood and take pictures of the signs of spring. Make a photo collage when you get back home.
- Host a spring yoga dance party. Play spring-themed music, eat healthy food, do a spring art activity, practice spring-inspired yoga poses, and celebrate the changing of the seasons.
- Plant a spring garden.
- Talk about the meaning and history of Easter. Compare traditional and modern Easter celebrations. Talk about how their families celebrate Easter.
Happy Spring!
What’s your favorite spring-themed yoga pose?
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