Garden Yoga Ideas for Kids (+ Free Printable)
Learn about the garden with these fun and easy garden yoga ideas!
At home or in your classroom, you can also use movement to teach your children about the garden. Children are born to move. They need to learn, be active, and have fun! Why not add yoga poses for kids to their learning experience?
To get started, clear a space so the children can move around safely, without bumping into any obstacles. Have your little gardeners wear comfy clothes perfect for gardening. They could practice on a yoga mat—or on a towel if you’re on a non-slip surface—pretending the mat is a garden. Explain that you’re going on a pretend walk through the garden and tell them to bring their creativity and imaginations.
Check out these garden yoga ideas for inspiration:
Garden Yoga Cards for Kids – Learn the Yoga Poses
Learn about the garden through simple yoga poses!
Pretend to be a bird, bunny, and butterfly! Download these 52 garden yoga cards to learn through movement in your home, classroom, or studio. The set includes an Index Card, Yoga Tips, Pose Instructions, 20 Yoga Pose Cards, and 20 matching Garden Cards. The multicultural yoga kids are from seven countries. Ages 3+.
“These cards are such a fun way to have kids practice yoga and relate it to the garden. They are perfect for doing in the garden or inside when a child needs a little relaxation. There are so many possibilities on how to use them, and the pictures are beautiful.” – Carrie, Crafty Moms Share
“These are gorgeous! My kids are really finding the ‘characters’ of the cards to be really relatable, which makes it extra fun for them. I chose to print them four to a page and made them into little cards, perfect for our calm-down corner!” – Katie
Free Garden Yoga Poses for Kids Poster
Garden Yoga Book for Kids – Act out a Yoga Story
Act out a day in the garden with Rachel!
Join Rachel as she and her adorable puppy look for signs of spring in the garden. Crawl like a caterpillar, buzz like a bee, and flutter like a butterfly. Discover spring, explore movement, and learn the colors of the rainbow! Ages 3+.
“Shardlow has mastered the art of integrating yoga, art, education, and story into engaging books that promote movement, relaxation, literacy and connection. Rachel’s Day in the Garden is no exception and, in fact, might be the best one yet! The Kids Yoga Stories series belongs in the hands of every child, parent, and educator!” – Lisa Flynn, Founder of ChildLight Yoga and Yoga 4 Classrooms, Author of Yoga for Children and Yoga 4 Classrooms Activity Card Deck
“Giselle Shardlow has done it again! Rachel’s Day in the Garden, with its sweet story line and beautiful illustrations, makes it so easy for parents and teachers to bring simple, fun yoga poses into their homes and classrooms. The lovely depictions of the garden and natural world lend themselves to singing lots of traditional songs along with the book, too: ‘You Are My Sunshine’ and ‘Rain, Rain, Go Away!’” – Kira Willey, Musical Yogini, Creator of Dance for the Sun CD and Mindful Moments for Kids CD
Garden Yoga Ideas for Kids
Other Garden and Spring Links You Might Like
Click on the images below to find more garden and spring ideas:
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