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Unicorn Yoga: Books and Yoga Poses for Kids (+ Printable Poster)

“Do you believe in unicorns?” my daughter asked me the other day as we were reading through a unicorn book. My answer to her was “Why, of course, yes!” I want to believe that there is a magical world of enchanting creatures where dreams come true.

What do you think of when you think of a unicorn? I think of unicorns as magical, mysterious creatures that frolic among the flowers in a meadow. They’re gentle as well as smart and strong. The unicorns I imagine are kind to their woodland friends.

However you imagine unicorns—whether they might be playing in a forest or living in a magical castle by a lake—why not try acting out unicorns through yoga poses for kids. Your children can take an imaginary journey to a magical unicorn world through movement — unicorn yoga!

5 Unicorn Yoga Poses for Kids

Follow this list of unicorn yoga poses sequenced specifically to flow from one pose to the next, or make up your own unicorn-themed yoga postures. Don’t worry about getting the poses perfectly aligned; just give it a go and have fun. Spark your children’s imagination by reading unicorn books and bringing out stuffed toys, figurines, puzzles, or props. They could even dress up like unicorns or do a unicorn art project to get them in the mood.

Once you’re ready to practice yoga, simply clear a space and practice barefoot on a non-slip surface. Practicing on a yoga mat is ideal if you have one. Have fun with unicorn yoga!

1. Pretend to be the sun.

How to practice Star Pose: From a standing position, step your feet out wide. Lift both arms out to your sides and above your head, with your fingers spread out. Pretend to be the sparkling sun.

star pose, yoga pose for kids | Kids Yoga Stories

2. Pretend to be a unicorn.

How to practice Crescent Lunge Pose: From a standing position, step your right foot back into a lunge with your left foot directly over your left knee and a straight back leg. Inhale and take your parallel arms straight up overhead to be like the horn of a unicorn. Open your chest, look up, and take a few deep breaths. Switch sides and repeat the steps.

cresecent lunge pose for kids, kids yoga poses | Kids Yoga Stories

3. Pretend to be a butterfly.

How to practice Cobbler’s Pose: Sit on your buttocks with a tall spine, bend your legs, place the soles of your feet together, and gently flap your legs like the wings of a butterfly.

4. Pretend to be a flower.

How to practice Flower Pose: Come to sit on your buttocks with a tall spine, lift your bent legs, balance on your sitting bones, and weave your arms under your legs with your palms facing up. Pretend to be a blossoming flower.

5. Pretend to be a rainbow.

How to practice Bridge Pose:Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Rest your arms down alongside your body, with your palms flat on the ground. Tuck your chin into your chest and keep your spine straight. On an inhale, lift your buttocks to create a rainbow.

bridge pose for kids, yoga poses for kids | Kids Yoga Stories

When you’ve finished practicing your unicorn yoga poses, you can come to Resting Pose. Encourage your children to close their eyes (if that’s comfortable for them) and take a few deep breaths to calm their minds and bodies after all the excitement of their yoga pose practice. You could talk them through a guided relaxation and ask them to imagine being a unicorn lying in the meadow surrounded by flowers. Imagine playing tag around the trees with your woodland creature friends.

Have you used a unicorn theme in your yoga class before? Tell us about in the comments below.

5 Unicorn Books for Kids

Quite surprisingly, we had a hard time finding quality children’s books about unicorns. Here are our favorite five unicorn books we found at our library:
(Amazon affiliate links below)

Uni the Unicorn
by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Brigette Barrager
This enchanting book makes for a lovely gift for a toddler or preschooler. The story follows the Uni the Unicorn who is the only unicorn who believes in little girls. Also check out Uni the Unicorn and the Dream Come True from the same author and illustrator team.

Claire and the Unicorn Happy Ever After
by B.G. Hennessy and Susan Mitchell
This is sweet story of a little girl in search of various imaginary characters, whom she asks what happiness means to them. She returns home after her dream-like adventure to tell her dad that happiness means different things to different people.

A Unicorn Named Sparkle: A Picture Book
by Amy Young
In this cute story, a young girl wishes for a unicorn but receives a goat instead. She gives it back because she’s so disappointed, but then she realizes she really misses her new silly friend.

Thelma the Unicorn
by Aaron Blabey
This is a humorous book about a horse who wishes that she was a unicorn. Once she comes across a glittery carrot to put on her head, she becomes an instantly famous unicorn. Thelma then realizes that being famous isn’t much fun and would prefer to be a horse.

The Midnight Unicorn
by Neil Reed
This is a story about a girl who goes on an imaginary trip around the world with the unicorn statue at her local park. The vivid realistic illustrations are stunning, and it’s sure to capture the imagination of your little unicorn-lovers.

Watch our Unicorn Yoga Poses Video

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Check out our Unicorn Yoga Cards


Take your children on their very own unicorn adventure and pretend to be confident unicorn, a strong unicorn, a curious unicorn, and a silly unicorn. 

The instruction cards provide you with detailed descriptions of how to sequence the poses, so you can feel confident in guiding their yoga adventure.

Come up with a story or have the kids come up with their very own mythical unicorn adventure story.

Download these 54 unicorn digital yoga cards to learn through movement in your home, classroom, or studio. Includes an index card, pose instructions, 20 yoga pose cards, and 20 matching unicorn cards.

The yoga kids are multicultural from seven countries.

Download your Unicorn Yoga Cards instantly here!

Unicorn Yoga Cards for Kids

Unicorn Yoga Cards for Kids

Get Your Free Poster here:

unicorn yoga poses for kids | Kids Yoga Stories

Check out our Kids Yoga Class Ideas

Fun and simple themes with monthly yoga poses and kids books recommendations!

Renee says, “I am a Youth Services Librarian in a very busy public library system. I host a yoga storytime for ages 4 to 8. This will be a great resource for planning. The book lists are a great addition. I love that the themes are not typical and are creative enough to allow the kids to use their imaginations to add their own ideas. This is a great resource for librarians, teachers, and parents! Thank you, Giselle!”

To spark your imagination, each monthly theme includes five yoga poses for kids and five recommended children’s books. This 31-page eBook is for teachers, parents, kids yoga teachers, caregivers, and health practitioners looking for simple, convenient ways to add yoga into your curriculum, classes, or home life. Age group: Toddlers to Early Primary, ages 3 to 8.

Purchase your Kids Yoga Class Ideas PDF Download here.

Kids Yoga Class Ideas Download, classroom yoga, kids yoga | Kids Yoga Stories

Kids Yoga Class Ideas PDF Download

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Other Unicorn Ideas

Click on the links below for unicorn ideas from other kid bloggers:

Unicorn Party Name Game, The Frugal Sisters

DIY Unicorn Dreamcatcher, Hello, Wonderful

How to Draw an Unicorn, Easy Peasy and Fun

Incredibly Cute and Playful Unicorn Puppets, I Heart Crafty Things

Unicorn Preschool Activity Pack, Fun with Mama

Unicorn Felt Page, Teach Me Mommy

Unicorn Slime Recipe, Little Bins for Little Hands

Glowing Unicorn Horn STEM Activity, Schooling a Monkey

DIY Unicorn Necklace, Projects with Kids

Easy Unicorn Paper Bag Craft, Darcy and Brian

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