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5 Garden Yoga Poses Using a Chair

Welcome to our chair yoga ideas for kids series – this month we feature five garden yoga poses!

With my daughter in kindergarten, I am reminded again about being a primary school teacher and the importance of integrating movement into the students’ learning experiences. I’m hoping this year-long series will help to bring yoga into your life in a fun, creative, and easy way.

Each month, we’ll include five chair yoga poses inspired by a particular theme, along with a recommended yoga book for kids. This month’s theme is “garden.” These five garden-themed yoga poses could be done:

  • during a transition time in the classroom
  • during a subject change in your homeschool classroom
  • at home when you’re stuck indoors
  • when you would like to practice yoga in a small space

Imagine that you are going outside into the garden to look for the signs of spring. Talk about what kinds of things you might see in the garden. Engage their five senses as they bring the garden to life through their minds and bodies. Then try these five garden yoga poses below.

Clear the space, practice barefoot, grab a chair, and unleash your imagination!

5 Garden Movement Breaks Using a Chair

1. TREE POSE – Pretend to be a blooming tree.

Come to standing next to your chair. Holding on to the chair with one hand, shift your weight and balance on one leg. Bend the knee of the leg you are not standing on, place the sole of your foot on the opposite inner thigh or calf, and balance. Sway like a tree in the breeze, overlooking the garden. Switch sides and repeat the steps.

 Tree Pose Using a Chair | Kids Yoga Stories

2. SQUAT POSE – Pretend to be planting seeds in the garden.

Come down to a squat in front of your chair with your knees apart and your arms between your knees. Pretend to be planting seeds in the garden.

 Squat Pose next to a chair | Kids Yoga Stories

3. HERO POSE – Pretend to be a buzzing bee.

Come to rest upright on your seat with your palms resting on your knees. Close your eyes (if that’s comfortable). Breathe deeply. Make a buzzing sound and pretend to be a bee. You could also flap your hands like the wings of a bee flying around the flowers.

 Hero Pose Using a Chair | Kids Yoga Stories

4. REVERSE PLANK POSE – Pretend to be a caterpillar.

Sit at the front of your chair, look up, open your chest, and place your hands at the back of your chair. Ensuring that the chair is steady, slowly lift your buttocks to a reverse plank position with your legs and spine straight and feet flat on the ground. Pretend to be a caterpillar crawling across a rock in the garden.

 Reverse Plank Pose Using a Chair | Kids Yoga Stories

5. FLOWER POSE – Pretend to be a blossoming flower.

Come to sit on your buttocks with a tall spine on the chair. Lift your bent legs, balance on your sitting bones, and weave your arms under your legs with your palms facing up. Pretend to be a blossoming flower in the garden.

 Flower Pose Using a Chair | Kids Yoga Stories

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See more yoga pose descriptions here >>


Practice these five garden yoga poses for kids using a chair in your classroom or homeschool | Kids Yoga StoriesGarden yoga poses for kids using a chair



Award-Winning Garden Yoga Book for Kids: Rachel’s Day in the Garden

Act out a day in the garden with Rachel!

Join Rachel as she and her adorable puppy look for signs of spring in the garden. Crawl like a caterpillar, buzz like a bee, and flutter like a butterfly. Discover spring, explore movement, and learn the colors of the rainbow! Ages 3+.

“Giselle Shardlow has done it again! Rachel’s Day in the Garden, with its sweet storyline and beautiful illustrations, makes it so easy for parents and teachers to bring simple, fun yoga poses into their homes and classrooms. The lovely depictions of the garden and natural world lend themselves to singing lots of traditional songs along with the book, too: ‘You Are My Sunshine’ and ‘Rain, Rain, Go Away!’”
– Kira Willey, Musical Yogini
Creator of Dance for the Sun CD and Mindful Moments for Kids CD

Buy yoga books for kids here | Kids Yoga Stories

Award-Winning best yoga book Rachel's Day in the Garden | Giselle Shardlow, Kids Yoga StoriesRachel’s Day in the Garden

Download 40 Kid-Friendly Chair Yoga Pose PNG Images

You can purchase 40 PNG images to create your own sequences, make up your own yoga cards, or design your own yoga games:

Download Chair Yoga Poses for Kids PNG Images | Kids Yoga Stories

40 Chair Yoga Poses for Kids Images40 Kid-Friendly Chair Yoga Pose PNG Images Download

Collection of Chair Yoga Ideas for Kids

If you found this chair yoga post useful, check out our list of other chair yoga ideas for kids:

Collection of Monthly Chair Yoga Ideas for Kids - to easily add movement to your curriculum | Kids Yoga Stories

Other Garden and Spring Links You Might Like

Click on the images below to find more garden and spring ideas:

 Garden yoga ideas for kids | Kids Yoga StoriesGarden Yoga Ideas
Spring Time Yoga Poses for Kids by Kids Yoga StoriesYoga for Spring Spring yoga theme ideas including breathing technique, yoga pose, and 3-yoga pose flow | Kids Yoga StoriesSpring Yoga

Yoga for Children with Autism and Special Needs | Kids Yoga StoriesSpring Yoga for Children with Autism

15 Garden Books for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories15 Garden Books for Kids 

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