SMART Goals: June, 2014
May was Motherhood Month!
I celebrated Mother’s Day with my husband and daughter. I attended a yoga class dedicated to moms. Our yoga instructor talked about how the human brain expanded as a result of the caring nature of women. It was a very empowering and emotional class. I also loved the phone chat I had with my mom about yoga.
We also celebrated my daughter’s 3rd birthday in May, which also makes me acknowledge my role as a mother to our spirited child for the past three years. And my mom and dad came to visit! The highlight of their visit was watching my mom and daughter doing spontaneous yoga play in the living room together. It warmed my heart.
Last month, I also gave birth to another kind of baby: our next yoga story, Hello, Bali: A Kids Yoga Island Adventure. It was met with an enthusiastic response. I’ve had so much fun reading and acting out this energizing yoga book with my daughter in the mornings.
On the Kids Yoga Stories website, we participated in a number of collaborative projects:
- Kid Lit Giveaways – announcing release of Hello, Bali
- Virtual Book Club for Kids – kids yoga sequence inspired by Mem Fox’s books
- Booking Around the World – kids yoga poses inspired by Massachusetts
We also shared our second post in the monthly Kids Love Yoga series, with a spotlight on Boat Pose. We received over twenty photos of children from around the world practicing Boat Pose and Double Boat Pose. I especially loved how Theresa took her four young children to the harbor, watched the boats, and then practiced the Boat Pose with them!
How about you? How was your month of May? What are your goals for June? What challenges are you having? What successes are you celebrating?
My SMART goals for June:
Each month, I ask myself these three questions: What makes me happy? How am I living a healthy lifestyle? How am I living my passion?
This year, I’m teaming up with a group of mommy bloggers, and we’re all writing our monthly goals in hopes of inspiring you to write your goals, too. Please join us, tell us your goals, and share your successes and failures. There is a group of supportive mommy bloggers here who would love to hear from you, too!
This month, I will:
- Host three sets of friends and family visitors from Sydney and San Francisco.
- Socialize with local families through parent meet-ups, playgroups, and book club.
- Take weekly “me time” breaks (likely?! – maybe!).
- Attend one to two yoga classes per week at a nearby yoga studio.
- Jog around our neighborhood two to three times a week.
- Attend a spinning class.
- Go for weekly hikes with my husband and daughter.
- Eat healthy, fresh, whole food.
- Post kids yoga sequences inspired by Canada Day and Independence Day.
- Mail a children’s book and activity to Growing Book by Book for the Love Books Exchange.
- Post a garden-inspired kids yoga sequence inspired by Eric Carle books for Virtual Book Club.
- Share our third Kids Love Yoga post, with a focus on Bow Pose. Send your photos of kiddos in Bow Pose to giselle at kidsyogastories dot com by June 23rd to be added to the collection.
- Continue with the production of the next three of our yoga books: 123 African Safari, Sophia Explores the Ocean, and Rachel’s Day in the Garden.
- Finish editing the feelings yoga book and come up with a title.
- Attend a Mompreneurs local meet-up to connect with other business owners.
As always, I would love to hear your feedback. Please e-mail me at giselle at kidsyogastories dot com with your suggestions for improvement, either for the yoga stories or the website. Help me deliver high-quality content that assists you with bringing happiness, health, and global education to children everywhere.
What is your theme for June? What does your mind, body, and spirit need right now as we enter into summer (or winter if you are in the Southern Hemisphere)? Who is your accountability partner?
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Cohosted by:
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Happily Ever Mom
Kids Yoga Stories
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