5 Different Cultures, 5 Themes
The focus of the month at Kids Yoga Stories is one of the yoga guiding principles of Svadhyaya, which could be translated as self-study. I spent time thinking about who I am, as a combination of my heritage and life experiences.
The article was also shared with Lynn Morrison of NomadParents as part of her Adopt a Culture Series:
5 Different Cultures, 5 Themes
As part of Nomad Parents’ Adopt a Culture series, I’m excited to share some of my experiences and insights about five different cultures that I am connected to by either ancestry or residence. In each case, there has been one theme that I feel permeates the culture and has really resonated with me.
I strive to integrate these themes – History, Family, Nature, Passion and Community – into my life.
History – England
Though I haven’t lived in England, my family visited our extended family every year when I was growing up. My parents were both born and raised in England, and our upbringing was based on British customs, language, and traditions. Here’s what I love about the British culture:
- Afternoon tea ritual. Any excuse to sit down in the afternoon with a cup of tea, a scone with jam, and chats with my mom is bliss. I still remember having tea with my British relatives. I felt so grown up.
- Sarcasm and wit of the British language. My granddad was always kidding around and telling stories. He was light-hearted and fun. My British relatives all seemed to not take themselves too seriously and looked on the bright side of life.
- History and traditions of England. I’ve enjoyed learning about our ancestry through my mom’s research. Learning about the travelers in our family has helped me to understand my passion for living in different countries. This makes me feel validated and understood, instead of unsettled and unaccepted.
Read the rest of the 5 Cultures, 5 Themes article here.
Image taken while we were back-country hiking near Squamish, British Columbia.
Image taken on a beach south of Sydney, Australia.
What are your cultural influences?
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