4 Yoga Songs for Kids to Build Community and Connection
To start and finish your yoga experiences with the same yoga songs for kids or ritual is such a gift.
Children love the consistency and connection.
Singing or chanting together brings everyone close and helps to create a safe and comfortable environment.
It’s also a lovely way for you as the yoga educator to look into the eyes of each child and “see” them.
4 Yoga Songs for Kids to Build Community and Connection
Below are four songs that were generously shared by our Kids Yoga Stories community members. We know there are loads of yoga songs out there. Feel free to add your yoga song into the comments or email me directly so I can share with our community, as well.
#1: Opening Yoga Song: If You’re Happy and You Know It (Yoga Style)
Karen B. sings this song in her Yoga Story Time at the San Antonio Public Library. She works with children ages four to ten and their family members. Together, they practice yoga and then do a craft. Below is the opening yoga song. It’s such a fun way to start the session using a familiar tune while adding yoga moves.
If you’re happy and you know it, stand real tall! (Mountain Pose)
If you’re happy and you know it, stand real tall!
If you’re happy and you know it, then your body will surely show it!
If you’re happy and you know it, stand real tall!
Alternate with:
- “breathe real big!” (Take a big breath in, hold it, and let a big breath out)
- “stretch up high!” (Reach your arms up)
- “do all three!”
#2: Opening Yoga Song: Are you Sleeping, Brother John? (Yoga Style)
Marla F. from Wish Yoga sings this opening song with her class of children ages 2 to 7, to the tune of “Are You Sleeping, Brother John?” (or “Frere Jacques”).
Namaste to child’s name, ring the bell… (continue around circle)
For example: “Namaste to Marla,” and ring the bell. “Namaste to Bobby,” and ring the bell… and so on.
The children pass the ringer or shaker around circle after ringing the bell or shaking the shaker. Marla finds that this action helps to create community and learn the children’s names.
After passing the object around and singing each child’s name, they sing together with hands pressed together at heart region:
Namaste! Namaste! How are you? How are you? I respect the light, I respect the light, in me and you, me and you!”
#3: Closing Yoga Chant: Thoughts, Words, and Actions
Genevieve B. does a closing chant with her students at the end of class.
With hands in Anjali mudra:
First, at your head, saying, “Peace in my mind.” (children repeat it)
Second, at your lips, saying, “Peace when I speak.” (children repeat it)
Third, at your heart center, saying, “Peace in my heart.” (children repeat it)
Finally, saying, “Namaste” with a seated bow. (children bow in response)
#4: Closing Yoga Song: “My Little Light”
Sarah M. sings the following yoga song to tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”:
My little light bows to your little light…
Your little light…
Your little light…
My little light bows to your little light…
Don’t forget to add your yoga song into the comments below or email me directly so I can share with our community. Music and yoga together is magic!