Princess Yoga for Kids
My daughter and I are big fans of all Karma Wilson’s children’s books. Her Bear and Friends books were our first taste of her wonderful rhyming text and delightful characters. We found Never Ever Shout in the Zoo at a secondhand book shop a couple of years ago.
Bear Sees Colors was on the new books display at the library last month. And we found Princess Me on our search for princess books, following my daughter’s latest interest in all things princesses and fairies.
Our other favorites are Don’t Be Afraid, Little Pip, Moose Tracks, Animal Strike at the Zoo, and The Cow Loves Cookies. Karma Wilson has written over forty children’s books, and we haven’t found one that we don’t love.
Years ago, my Children’s Writing teacher told us never to consider writing in rhyme because so few people can do it well, but Karma Wilson is the exception. Karma is a gifted writer, captivating both adults and children with her rhythmic picture books.
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Act out a Princess Book
Because many of her books feature animals, Karma’s books are perfect for acting out through easy yoga poses for kids.
Adding movement to children’s reading experience has many benefits—this includes building fluency, increasing memory skills, engaging them in the story, focusing their attention on the characters, and ultimately, making reading fun.
Princess Me, for example, is an enchanting story that follows a princess who treats her bedroom like a make-believe kingdom filled with her stuffed animals and dolls. You can’t help but immerse yourself in her magical fantasy world, and your children will love it, too.
To start your Princess Yoga experience, start by dressing up in princess and prince costumes. Get out toys, stuffed animals, and dolls to act as your maids-in-waiting, royal ladies, and other people in your land (as described in Karma Wilson’s book).
Look around your room for any other props that could create the scene for your magical kingdom. Maybe you have a tea set or a castle. Encourage your children’s creativity and imagination. Give them time to explore and set up their fantasy world.
Princess Yoga for Kids
Now you are ready for Princess Yoga.
Below are eight animals that are featured in Princess Me, along with a matching yoga pose. You could follow the yoga flow sequence below or make up your own princess-themed yoga pose sequence by looking at our Yoga Poses for Kids page for inspiration.
Focus on having fun with movement, not on perfectly aligned yoga poses. Let’s bring this Princess Me book alive through movement!
1. Giraffe – Extended Mountain Pose
How to practice extended mountain pose: Stand tall in Mountain Pose, look up, and reach your arms up to the sky. Touch your palms together and pretend your arms are the long neck of an orange-spotted giraffe.
2. Frog – Squat Pose
How to practice squat pose: Come down to a squat with your hands down on the ground between your legs and then jump up like a green frog.
3. Dog – Downward-Facing Dog Pose
How to practice downward-facing dog pose: Bend down and place your palms flat on the ground. Step your feet back to create an upside-down V shape with your buttocks high in the air. Straighten your legs, relax your head and neck, and look down between your legs. Pretend to be a brown-and-white speckled dog.
4. Crocodile – Plank Pose
How to practice plank pose: Shift forward to balance on your palms and on your bent toes, keeping your arms straight and your back long and flat. Pretend to be a green crocodile.
5. Cat – Cat Pose
How to practice cat pose: Drop to your knees in an all-fours position, round your back, and tuck your chin to your chest. Pretend to be a white kitty cat.
6. Rabbit – Hero Pose with Bunny Breath
How to practice hero poseCome back to rest upright on your heels, with your palms resting on your knees. Take four to six short breaths then a long exhale. Pretend to be a white bunny rabbit.
7. Turtle – Extended Child’s Pose
How to practice extended child’s pose: Slowly bring your forehead down to rest in front of your knees, place the palms of your hands flat on the floor out in front of you, and take a few deep breaths. Pretend to be a green turtle.

8. Ladybug – Child’s Pose
How to practice child’s pose: From Extended Child’s Pose, take your arms down alongside your body and take a few deep breaths. Imagine being a red-and-black ladybug.
For images and descriptions of other yoga poses for kids, see our Yoga Poses for Kids page.
What was your favorite princess yoga pose?

Check Out Our Knights & Princesses Yoga Cards for Kids
Bring yoga, movement, and fantasy play to children with these fun and exciting knights and princesses-themed yoga cards for kids.
Engage your senses and enter a medieval land while having your children pretend to be a jester, a queen, or an archer.
The deck of 52 colorful cards includes:
- an index card listing the knights and princesses keywords in a sequence
- instructions for 20 knights and princesses yoga poses
- 20 illustrated cards showing the postures
- 20 matching knights and princesses cards
- yoga teaching tips
The yoga poses in the index are sequenced specifically to invite flow from one pose to the next. This takes the guesswork out of figuring out which pose to do next.
Download these Knights & Princesses Yoga Cards to learn through movement in your home, classroom, or studio.
Download Knights & Princesses Yoga Cards for Kids here.

Check Out Our Unicorn Yoga Cards
Take your children on their very own unicorn adventure and pretend to be confident unicorn, a strong unicorn, a curious unicorn, and a silly unicorn.
The instruction cards provide you with detailed descriptions of how to sequence the poses, so you can feel confident in guiding their yoga adventure.
Come up with a story or have the kids come up with their very own mythical unicorn adventure story.
Download these 54 unicorn digital yoga cards to learn through movement in your home, classroom, or studio. Includes an index card, pose instructions, 20 yoga pose cards, and 20 matching unicorn cards.
The yoga kids are multicultural from seven countries.
Download your Unicorn Yoga Cards instantly here!
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