Farm Animals Yoga (+ Printable Poster)
My daughter loves farm animals. And she loves yoga. So naturally, we did a few farm animals yoga poses before our recent trip to a local farm. At the farm, we saw a cow, a sheep, a goat, chickens, pigs, bunnies, a cat, and a dog. She loves acting out the farm animals and imitating their sounds. Practicing yoga is a fun, family-friendly, indoor activity that is especially beneficial during the winter months.
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Farm Animals and Kids Yoga
You can also practice farm animal yoga poses with books. A fabulous book about farm animals is A Farmer’s Life for Me by Jan Dobbins and Laura Huliska-Beith. And it’s also available in Spanish! As you read the book together, try using kids yoga poses to act out the farm animals in the book.
Feel free to use your imagination and make up your own poses, as well.
Farm Animals Yoga Poses for Kids
1. Pretend to be a cow.
How to practice Cow Pose: On all fours, look up, open your chest, and arch your back. Moo!
2. Pretend to be a hen.
How to practice Squat Pose: Come down to a squat, bend your elbows, and flap your wings like a chicken. Cluck cluck!
3. Pretend to be a cherry tree.
How to practice Tree Pose: Stand on one leg, bend your knee, place the sole of your foot on your inner thigh, and balance. Sway like a tree. Swoosh!
4. Pretend to be a pig.
How to practice Happy Baby Pose: Lie on your back with your chin tucked in. Hug your knees into your chest, then grab the outer part of your feet with both of your hands and roll like a pig in mud. Oink oink!
5. Pretend to be sheep.
How to practice Cat Pose: On all fours, tuck your chin into your chest and round your back. Baa baa!
6. Pretend to be horse.
How to practice Three-legged dog pose: Step back to hands and feet, like an upside-down V, and gently lift one leg at a time. Slowly kick up like a horse. Switch legs and repeat the pose. Neigh!

We hope you enjoyed your pretend farm visit through yoga poses inspired by farm animals. Which was your favorite pose?
Other Books on Farm Animals
Old MacDonald had a Farm, illustrated by Mandy Foot
We especially love the Australian version of this popular song. Along with the usual farm animals common in North America, you’ll also find an emu, a kangaroo, a cockatoo, and a kookaburra. You could act out any version of the Old MacDonald book, too.
A Year at a Farm, by Nicholas Harris
I bought this book recently for our long plane ride. Each of the eight pages shows small illustrations of year-round farm activities. Our daughter loves the intricate pictures. My favorite one is an image of a man lying on a mat while fixing his motorcycle. My daughter thinks he is practicing yoga! Find other titles in the Time Goes By series, like a day at the zoo, airport, city, or a year in a construction site, castle, and pirate ship.


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