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5 Autumn Yoga Poses for Kids (+ Printable Poster)

Back to School in the northern hemisphere means welcoming the signs of fall. The days are getting shorter, the leaves are changing colors, and we all get ready for colder weather.

Yoga poses were first created thousands of years ago by modeling the natural environment. Autumn yoga is a great way to act out this story of changing seasons.

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Autumn Yoga for Kids

Try these five kids yoga poses inspired by the fall season!

And check out this lovely Awesome Autumn book by Bruce Goldstone or this Fall Book List from our Friends at Growing Book by Book.

1. Bears prepare to sleep in their dens – Bear Walk in Downward-Facing Dog Pose

How to Practice Downward-Facing Dog Pose: Step back to hands and feet in an upside-down V shape then walk like a bear.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories
Downward-Facing Dog Pose

2. Whales migrate south to warmer water currents – Whale Pose

How to Practice Bow Pose (Whale Pose): Lie down on your belly, bend your knees, lift up your chest, and reach back your arms to touch your toes.

Bow Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories
Bow Pose

3. Foxes grow thicker fur – Kneeling Pose

How to Practice Kneeling Pose: Come to kneeling on your knees, and look up at the moon like a fox.

Kneeling Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories
Kneeling Pose

4. Hedgehogs get ready to hibernate  – Child’s Pose

How to Practice Child’s Pose: Come to sitting back on your heels, slowly bring your forehead down to rest in front of your knees, rest your arms down alongside your body, and take a few deep breaths.

Child's Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories
Child’s Pose

5. Monarch butterflies fly south to their winter homes – Cobbler’s (Butterfly) Pose

How to Practice Cobbler’s Pose: Sit on your buttocks with a tall spine, bend your legs, place the soles of your feet together, and gently flap your wings like a butterfly.

yoga for kindergartners, kids yoga, yoga poses for kids, yoga for kids, preschool yoga, animal yoga poses | Kids Yoga Stories
Cobbler’s Pose

What other Autumn-related poses can you come up with?


Free Printable Yoga Poster - Autumn Yoga Poses for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories


Watch the read-aloud of Trish’s Fall Photography

YouTube video

Watch the Fall Yoga Poses for Kids Video

YouTube video



5 Autumn Yoga Poses for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories

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