5 Yoga Inversions to Help Kids Change their Perspectives
“I had the worst day!”
“They don’t like me!”
“I can’t do it!”
Do your children sometimes get into a mental funk and seem consumed with negative thoughts? One way to help alter their thoughts is to practice yoga inversions.
Did you know that yoga inversions are beneficial both physically and mentally? Inversions help strengthen muscles (core, arms, and shoulders), as well as build confidence. And when we are feeling moody or dysregulated, yoga inversions help change our perspectives by taking us upside-down and helping us to overcome our fears or change our negative thoughts.
When your head is below your heart, the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain increases, which then increases circulation and builds energy. Imagine that!
5 Yoga Inversions for Kids
Practice these five inversion poses for kids below to have children see their world upside-down. The yoga poses are sequenced specifically to invite flow from one pose to the next, or you can practice each one individually.
Please take the time to go over the safety guidelines of inversions. Make safety a top priority—clear the space of obstacles and be safe with your bodies.
Remember to take full, deep breaths in each pose. Stay in each pose for as long as you feel comfortable. Come out of the poses slowly and carefully.
Feel free to add your own music, relaxation stories, or aromatherapy (as appropriate). For more inversion yoga poses, check out our Yoga Inversions Cards for Kids with twenty poses to help children change their perspective!
1. How to practice Forward Bend Chest Stretch:
Come to a standing position with your feet hip-width apart. Clasp your hands together behind your back (or grab a strap if your shoulders are tight). Slowly bend your torso forward and drop your head toward the ground. Allow your clasped hands to stretch up behind you.
2. How to practice Wide-Legged Forward Bend:
Stand tall with legs hip-width apart, feet facing forward, and straighten your arms alongside your body. Step your feet out wide, bend your upper body, and reach your palms to the ground.
3. How to practice Three-Legged Dog Pose:
From Downward-Facing Dog Pose (upside-down V shape), gently lift one leg at a time with a flexed foot. Ensure you keep your arms and spine straight when you lift a leg.
4. How to practice Puppy Pose:
From all fours, slide your hands out in front of you while lowering your chest toward the ground. Keep your arms straight and raise your elbows off the ground. Rest your forehead between your extended arms, letting your spine curve naturally.
5. How to practice Thread the Needle Pose:
Come to an all-fours position in Table Top Pose. On an inhale, take your right hand straight up to the sky, look up, and feel the twist. On an exhale, take your right hand (palm up) and thread it straight underneath your left arm. Place your right shoulder and right cheek on the mat. Your hips and left elbow are still raised as you relax into the ground, gazing out to the left. Gently come out of the pose and then repeat on the other side.
Which was your favorite inversion pose? Tell us in the comments below!
**Please note that if your child is suffering from severe depression or anxiety, please consult a health practitioner. These inversion poses are meant to help shift their thoughts to something else, which may not be helpful in all circumstances. Do what feels right for your children.

Check Out Our Yoga Inversions Cards for Kids
Twenty Yoga Inversions to Change Your Perspective
Because yoga inversions help strengthen muscles (core, arms, and shoulders), as well as build confidence, they are beneficial both physically and mentally.
When we are feeling moody or dysregulated, yoga inversions help change our perspective by taking us upside-down and helping us to overcome our fears.
The yoga kids are multicultural from seven countries. Ages 7+.
Purchase Yoga Inversions Cards for Kids here.

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