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The Magic of Savasana for Kids

I took my daughter to a new kids yoga class recently. The drive there took longer than expected, and she was nervous about going into the class where she didn’t know anyone. I felt myself being affected by her anxiety too, and as we drove, I was thinking that we wouldn’t be going back, given the long drive and unfamiliar environment. I felt deflated because I would love my daughter to have her own yoga class that she loves, but it’s difficult to find a kids yoga class in our town.

To my surprise, that night, she asked me to put my legs up in the wall in her bed, and then she showed me how her yoga teacher rubbed her head at the end of class. She chattered on about how amazing the head rub was and said that she couldn’t wait to go back.

In that moment, my daughter reminded me how important Savasana for kids (Resting Pose) is at the end of class. It’s certainly what brought my brother, mom, and me to yoga classes when I was younger. I know we focus a lot of yoga pose sequences on our website, but let’s also remember to not rush Savasana with our children.Giving them gentle head rubs might be the best part of the experience for them.

Just of note, of course, we are mindful to touch children appropriately and only with permission, especially if they have experienced trauma or have a bad prior experience.

The Magic of Savasana for Kids: What Kids Yoga Teachers Practice at the End of Class

I asked our Kids Yoga Stories community for any special rituals that they practice during Savasana at the end of the class with their children. Here’s what they said:

“In my school classes, I use small rubber ducks for a breathing exercise. The kids place them on their upper chest and just breathe naturally. When I come to each student, they roll over and I use a large rubber ball and roll it on the upper back. I call it ‘squishy’ time. The kids love it!” – Jennifer P.

“We sometimes put little animal stuffies on our bellies and rock them to sleep with our breathing. Or think of the animals and send a special silent wish to them.” – Chelsea B.

“My current yoga practice with children always ends with eye pillows for Savasana, some lavender oil with the adjustments, and three Oms to seal the practice.” – Shera

“I teach three- and four-year-olds who have developmental delays, social and/or behavioral issues, and language delays.  The end of our thirty-minute class is always the same.  I play a quieting ‘Namaste’ song and rub each child’s back.  If the child wants to lie on his/her back, I just lightly rub shoulders and arms.  In two and a half years of teaching yoga at this center, I’ve not had one child refuse. The end of class seems special to each one. I treasure those moments.” – Anita M.

“I have a soft fluffy hedgehog toy I very lightly run over the skin of their faces and hands, when they are lying in Savasana and listening to quit nature sounds/music. If there are many children, I choose one child to be my helper, so they also learn to be gentle and care for others.”  – Vicki N.

“All kids have an eye pillow. I always chose to go around and take my hand on their heart and say some positive affirmations to them which relate to our class theme or which might be relevant to each child. Last week, I chose a “Breathe song” and it was amazing how the kids could really settle down, hum or sing along softly and relax.” – Brigit N.

Do you have a special ritual during Savasana that you do with each child at the end of class? I’d love to hear your ideas!


Savasana for kids. Resting yoga pose for calm | Kids Yoga Stories

Savasana for Kids

You Might Like our Breathing Exercise Cards for Kids

Don’t forget to breathe! Help children to calm down and focus!

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