Father’s Day Yoga: Energizing Partner Yoga Poses to Practice Together
Like all families, we have our ups and downs. But one of my fondest memories over the years as a parent is watching when my daughter and husband are stereotypically goofing around in an active way. When the stars are aligned, he’s able to distract a potentially explosive moment by tickling her or chasing her, and then they fall into fits of giggles.
As my daughter doesn’t have a sibling to share active playtime, she often enlists my husband in physical activities that help release her pent-up energy. Another way to release this physical energy is through energizing partner yoga poses, which would be perfect for celebrating Father’s Day!
For this Father’s Day, why not give the gift of love and physical connection by practicing these energizing partner yoga poses together?
5 Father’s Day Partner Yoga Poses
Enjoy these fun and energizing yoga poses. Practice these poses together with your child or father, or practice with a friend and think about the connection you have with the special men in your life. Take your time to come in and out of these poses. Don’t worry about getting the partner poses perfect; just give it go.
1. Partner Warrior 1 Pose:
How to practice partner Warrior 1 Pose: Stand tall facing forward side by side with legs hip-width apart, feet facing forward. Straighten your arms alongside your body, and step your outside foot back, angling it slightly outward. Bend your front knee, bring your arms straight up toward the sky, reaching for your partner’s inside hand, and look up. Repeat on the other side.
2. Partner Warrior 2 Pose:
How to practice partner Warrior 2 Pose: Stand next to each other with your hips touching, so that one partner is facing forward while the other is facing backward. Step your left foot back, placing the foot so that it is angled slightly outward. Take your arms up parallel to the ground, bend your front knee, and look forward. Take your right hand to reach for your partner’s left hand, while wrapping your left hand back behind you and reaching for your partner’s right hand. Take a few moments in this pose. Then switch sides and repeat the steps.
3. Partner Warrior 3 Pose:
How to practice Partner Warrior 3 Pose: stand close next to each other, both facing forward. Stand on your inside leg. Extend the other outside leg behind you, flexing your foot. Bend your torso forward. Take your outside arm out to the side and wrap your right arm around your partner’s shoulders. Take a few moments in this pose, helping each other to balance. Switch sides and repeat the steps.
4. Partner Extended Side Angle:
How to practice Partner Extended Side Angle: stand tall with your legs hip-width apart and feet facing forward. Straighten your arms alongside your body. Step one foot back, angling it slightly outward. Keep your torso straight and bend your front leg. Tilt your upper body forward, rest your front elbow on your thigh (or take your hand to the floor), and reach your other arm straight up to the sky. Look up and take a couple of deep breaths. Repeat on the other side, but this time, set it up so that you and your partner are practicing the Extended Side Angle poses one in front of the other. One person has their bent leg to the left and the other partner has their bent knee to the right, so that your poses are staggered. Reach your arms up and touch palms at the top.
5. Partner Chair Pose:
How to practice Partner Chair Pose: stand tall in Mountain Pose with your feet hip-width apart while facing each other. Reach out and grab your partner’s hands in front of you. Bend your knees and keep a straight spine. Sit down into an imaginary chair and lean back, relying on the support of your partner’s grasp. Sit as deeply as feels comfortable for both partners. Come out of the pose at the same time.
Which was your favorite daddy-and-me yoga pose?

Check Out Our 40 Partner Yoga Poses Cards for Kids
Try all your favorite poses with a partner. Practice Seated Cat Pose, Tree Pose, and Downward-Facing Dog Pose, all modified for partners to practice together. An index and pose instructions are included. Instantly download, print, and practice.
Download these 90 digital yoga cards to learn through movement in your home, classroom, or studio. Includes an index card, pose instructions, 40 cards with illustrations of the yoga poses, and 40 matching description cards.
Download your 40 Partner Yoga Poses for Kids Cards here.
Check Out Our Energizing Yoga Cards for Kids
Energizing yoga poses build heat in your body by activating your core, increasing strength, and building your flexibility. These challenging poses will increase blood flow and awaken the body and mind.
Poses include horse stance, reverse triangle pose, and dolphin pose.
Download these Energizing Yoga Cards to learn through movement in your home, classroom, or studio.
The set includes 55 cards: an index card, pose instructions, yoga teaching tips, 24 energizing yoga pose cards, and 24 matching description cards.
The yoga kids are multicultural from a variety of countries. Age 4+
Check out Energizing Yoga Cards for Kids here.
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Imaginative and fun ways to celebrate a variety of holidays.
This e-book has a total of eighteen playful and engaging yoga sequences that you can copy or print off and practice with your children in the classroom or at home.
Pretend to be a tiger for Chinese New Year, practice partner poses for Mother’s Day, and stand like the Sierra Madre Mountains to celebrate Mexican Independence Day. Ages 4+.
Each of the 18 holiday sequences includes:
- 12 themed yoga poses organized in a thoughtful, logical sequence
- Detailed instructions for practicing each pose
- Easy reference you can copy or print off and give to students or parents