Arctic Animals Yoga Poses for Kids (+Printable Poster)
Our winter wonderland life here in New England has been a learning adventure! I love that the local libraries are stacked with winter-themed books, most of which were completely new to me. After gathering a bunch of books on Arctic animals, my daughter and I learned about the animals by acting them out through simple yoga poses for kids.
Why not give it a go?! Don’t worry if you haven’t done yoga before—just follow the yoga sequence below, which includes descriptions and images. Learn along with your children about Arctic animals through movement and story. Encourage their creativity by asking them how they think each animal might behave in the wild.
So, grab your Arctic animal books (or other fun resources like stuffed animals, videos, animal figurines, animal cards, and stickers) and act out the animals together!
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Download your Arctic Animals Yoga Poster

Arctic Animals Books for Kids
First, we got out some Arctic-themed books to look up Arctic animals. Here are our favorites:

The Magic School Bus Arctic Adventure, by Gail Herman

My Arctic 1, 2, 3, by Michael Arvaarluk Kusugak and Vladyana Krykorka

1001 Animals to Spot, Usborne (Arctic animals page)

The Snow Bear, by Miriam Moss and Maggie Kneen

A Splendid Friend, Indeed, by Suzanne Bloom (Goose and Bear stories)

In Arctic Waters, by Laura Crawford and Ben Hodson

Way Up in the Arctic, by Jennifer Ward and Kenneth J. Spengler

Over in the Arctic: Where the Cold Winds Blow, by Marianne Berkes
Arctic Animals Yoga Sequence
Then, we made a list of animals that live in the Arctic:
Caribou, walrus, arctic whale, arctic char, polar bear, snow goose, musk ox, wolf, arctic fox, arctic hare, snowy owl, lemming, and seal.
Next, we made a yoga flow sequence to act out some of the arctic animals.
Note that this Arctic animals yoga sequence has been specifically laid out to flow from one pose to the next in a safe, logical way. Feel free to adapt the sequence to suit the age, needs, attention span, and energy level of your child.
1. Moose – Warrior 1 Pose Variation
How to practice Warrior 1 Pose (variation): Come to standing in Mountain Pose. Step one foot back, slightly angling it outward. Bend your front knee and bring your spread-out hands above your head like the antlers of a moose.
2. Walrus – Cobra Pose (or Upward-Facing Dog Pose)
How to practice Cobra Pose: Lie on your tummy, lift your head and shoulders off the ground, place your palms flat next to your shoulders, and arch up like a walrus.
3. Polar Bear or Husky – Downward Dog
How to practice Downward Dog: Step back to hands and feet in an upside-down V shape then walk like a bear.
4. Musk Ox – Cat Pose
How to practice cat Pose: On all fours, tuck your chin into your chest and round your back. Walk like an ox.
5. Arctic Hare – Hero’s Pose with Bunny Breath
How to practice Hero’s Pose: Come back to rest upright on your heels and place your hands on your thighs. Take a few short, quick breaths in through your nose, and then take a long exhale. Pretend to be a hare breathing.
Watch this Arctic Animals Yoga Video
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