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5 African Safari Animals Yoga Poses for Kids

“See you in Africa on a camel,” was what I wrote in my high school graduation book. I’ve wanted to visit Africa my whole life, and I desperately hope to one day take my husband and daughter on an African safari.

In the meantime, I have to live vicariously through my friends who have gone on safaris. I sent out a message on Facebook, asking friends for African animal photos, and made this little video for you with the African animal yoga poses you’ll find below.

I also wrote our 123 African Safari yoga book several years ago when my daughter was a preschooler, so that we could talk and learn about this special place together through movement.

If you’re like me and have always dreamed of going on an African adventure or if you’re teaching Africa as part of your curriculum, why not try out these safari animals yoga poses to learn through fun and movement!

5 African Safari Animals Yoga Poses for Kids

Pretend to take a journey to Africa – maybe you pack your bags, take a cab to the airport, and take a plane to Africa. Once you’re there, jump into a safari truck and head out to see animals in the wild.

Try these African safari animal yoga poses below (specifically sequenced to invite flow from one pose to the next) or download our African Safari Animals Yoga Cards for Kids with twenty yoga poses.

Have fun on your African adventure!


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1. Practice Extended Mountain Pose – pretend to be a giraffe.

How to practice Extended Mountain Pose: Stand tall in Mountain Pose, inhale, look up, and raise your arms straight up to the sky. Then exhale and bring your arms back down alongside your body. Repeat the inhale, raising and lowering your arms, for a few breaths. Pretend to be a tall giraffe.

Extended Mountain Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories
Extended Mountain Pose

2. Practice Triangle Forward Bend – pretend to be a zebra.

How to practice Triangle Forward Bend: Stand tall with legs hip-width apart, feet facing forward, and straighten your arms alongside your body. Take your right foot back, keeping your ankle bent at a thirty-degree angle. Place your hands on your hips, ensuring that your back is flat and that you are looking straight ahead. Then slowly bend forward as if your hips are a hinge, keeping a flat back and a long neck. Lastly, bring your hands to your shins, ankles, or the ground, depending on what feels comfortable, all the while checking that your spine is straight. Pretend to be a zebra getting a drink.

Triangle Forward Fold pose | Yoga Poses for Kids
Triangle Forward Bend Pose

3. Practice Dancer’s Pose – pretend to be an ostrich.

How to practice Dancer’s Pose: Stand tall in Mountain Pose. Then stand on your right leg, reach your left leg out behind you, and place the outside of your left foot into your left hand. Bend your torso forward, with your right arm out in front for balance, and arch your leg up behind you. Pretend to be a graceful ostrich. Switch sides and repeat the steps.

Dancer's Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories
Dancer’s Pose

4. Practice Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend – pretend to be an elephant.

How to practice Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend: Stand tall with legs hip-width apart, feet facing forward, and straighten your arms alongside your body. Step your feet out wide, bend your upper body, clasp your hands together, and pretend to be a wise elephant.

Wide-Legged Forward Bend for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories
Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend Pose

5. Practice Extended Cat Pose – pretend to be a cheetah.

How to practice Extended Cat Pose: Come to all fours, extend one leg out behind you, and look forward. Take the opposite arm out in front of you to counter balance. Pretend to be a racing cheetah. Repeat on the other side.

Extended Cat Pose for Kids | Kids Yoga Stories
Extended Cat Pose

We hope you enjoyed your African yoga adventure. Tell us about it in the comments below. And if you’ve been to Africa, we’d love to hear about your experiences!


Watch the African Safari Animals Yoga Poses Video

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African Animals: 5 fun yoga poses for kids | Kids Yoga Stories

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