Yoga Videos Review and Giveaway
Namaste Kid Yoga Videos Review and Giveaway
At the end of the post, enter the contest via the Rafflecopter online giveaway tool.
Please meet Amira Gaynor, founder of Namaste Kid and producer of Yoga Motion 3-pack DVD set of easy yoga sequences for kids. The titles of the three videos are Yoga Motion, Once Upon a Mat …, and Sport Yoga. The set comes beautifully packaged with gorgeous, clear pictures of children practicing yoga poses.
Each of her videos is a full 40-minute yoga class for children, made up of several 3- to 5-minute chapters. You can either watch the entire video with your child or choose a specific segment (ex. warm up, yoga story, or relaxation) or theme (ex. garden, tropics, or sport). The videos each feature a different yoga instructor on her yoga mat, against a white background. There are no distracting backgrounds or colors in these videos, making it perfect for this age group. The blank background encourages children to use their own imaginations as they follow pretend yoga journeys.
The sequences integrate yoga postures, breathing techniques, positive affirmations (ex. “I am confident.” or “I am adventurous.”), and relaxation. The Parent Info clip offers tips to get the most out of the videos. The yoga instructor reminds us that kids yoga is not as formal as adult yoga and that creativity is encouraged. Children might not follow along with the yoga poses while watching for the first time, but they will no doubt join in once they are familiar with the format.
Let’s take a look at Once Upon a Mat…. It’s one of the yoga videos focused specifically on integrating mini-stories into the yoga sequences. I was excited to see that this video has themes similar to the ones in our collection of yoga stories, so playing a matching 3- to 5-minute video before reading our yoga story would be a great introduction to the topic. For example, let’s look at the African safari mini-video—here’s the sequence:
African Safari
Jeep – Hero Pose (drive the jeep with your hands on the steering wheel)
Tiger – Cat Pose (stretch your legs back like a tiger)
Giraffe – Twisted Cat Pose (reach one arm up to the sky, pretending it’s the long neck of the giraffe)
Lion – Hero Pose (stick your tongue and exhale out like a lion)
Lion Pose by Namaste Kid
Check out our African Animals lesson plan and stay tuned for our next yoga story, 123 African Safari, which is currently in production. Namaste Kid’s African Safari mini-video is an excellent addition to your studies on Africa, along with other African-themed books (fiction and non-fiction), animal figurines, stuffed animals, music, instruments, and magazines.
We enjoyed other themes on the Once Upon a Mat… video: the garden, the tropics, and the arctic. Namaste Kid chooses topics that children are interested in and can relate to. The third video, Sport Yoga, takes children on a journey through acting out their favorite sports. The variety of themes across the three videos allows you to follow your child’s interest on any given day.
Watch this clip to get a taste of Namaste Kid’s Once Upon a Mat … video:
I highly recommend Namaste Kid videos to parents or teachers looking for a kids yoga video that promotes movement and storytelling without a distracting background. These kids yoga videos would be perfect for the winter months, during a rainy spring day, or even during a transition to dinnertime or when changing activities. In the classroom, these videos would be excellent for short brain breaks or to introduce a new topic.
To purchase Namaste Kid’s Yoga Motion 3-Pack set of DVDs:
Namaste Kid website
The winner of this Yoga Videos giveaway will receive:
1 –Yoga Motion 3-Pack DVD Set for Ages 2.5+ by Namaste Kid ($39.99 value + shipping)
1 – A Kids Yoga Stories book of your choice (up to $15.95 value + shipping)
Please read the full Contest Rules below for details.
We look forward to your entries. Thank you for taking the time to participate. Please let me know if you have any questions or problems with the Rafflecopter tool below by sending me an e-mail at giselle at kidsyogastories dot com.
Yoga Videos Giveaway
To enter the contest, sign in using your Facebook or e-mail account and click on the different ways to enter. You can enter every day using this Rafflecopter online giveaway tool.
Contest Rules:
1. Entries are open worldwide.
2. You can be any age to enter.
3. Participation in the contest constitutes that you agree to the Contest Rules.
4. Please enter using the Rafflecopter tool above, obtaining points as follow the different options.
5. You can enter every day.
6. No purchase is necessary.
7. Kids Yoga Stories and Namaste Kid accept no responsibility or liability for any injuries or losses that may result from practicing the yoga poses in the book and video. Please ensure your own safety and the safety of the children.
8. You must enter the contest giveaway with a valid e-mail address. The winner will be notified by e-mail, and at that time, we will request a mailing address. The shipping of the book and video can take some time, depending on the winner’s location. Kids Yoga Stories and Namaste Kid will ship the books separately and will cover the shipping costs.
9. If you have any questions, e-mail Giselle directly at giselle at kidsyogastories dot com.
10. The contest closes on Monday, May 5th, 2014, midnight EST.
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