Mega 10 Kids Yoga Stories Giveaway
At the end of the post, enter the contest via the Rafflecopter online giveaway tool.
This is a finale giveaway in our 10-Week Kids Yoga Resources Reviews and Giveaways.
I started writing the Kids Yoga Stories in 2005 after taking yoga teacher training. I was inspired to bring the benefits of yoga to children through children’s books. I will never forget my excitement as the yoga stories came flooding out onto the paper. On several occasions, I woke up in the middle of the night with new ideas and filled notebooks with yoga sequences and book ideas. You know that feeling, right?!
My passion came from years of teaching in international schools, my love of children’s books, my travel experiences, my training in environmental education, and the desire to bring the health benefits of yoga to children everywhere. It wasn’t until I gave birth to our daughter in 2011 that the need to publish the books became apparent. Thus, the Kids Yoga Stories journey began in earnest.
Here we are, almost two years after I decided to publish the yoga stories. Kids Yoga Stories has grown beyond my wildest dreams, especially for a “naptime business.” It is all because of YOU that I am inspired to keep going and pursue my passion. Not a day goes by without a message from someone somewhere around the world, sharing stories of children enjoying moving while reading, demonstrating that reading can be good for our minds AND bodies.
To thank you for your words of encouragement, your edit suggestions, your introductions to amazing people, and your book purchases, it will be my pleasure to send the winner of this contest ten Kids Yoga Stories books of his or her choice. The winner can mix and match the Kids Yoga Stories books to make any combination that works for him or her.
Some examples of the ten-book choice of Kids Yoga Stories:
- Set of 10 Sophia’s Jungle Adventure for your Rainforest classroom unit
- 2 sets of 5 books for your children to have their own copies to explore and act out with their friends
- 10 different books to add to your kids yoga book collection if you’re a Kids Yoga Teacher
- A mix of books for your grandchildren to share your love of yoga
- 10 Good Night, Animal World books for all the toddlers and preschoolers in your life to help them sleep better
- 1 The ABC’s of Australian Animals to read aloud to the class and 9 Luke’s A to Z of Australian Animals coloring books for your students
- 10 Anna and her Rainbow-Colored Yoga Mats for your Special Education Teachers in your school district
- 10 books for your rainforest, beach, or alphabet-themed birthday party
- Set of Spanish yoga books and coloring books for your Spanish-language classroom
The contest will run through the holidays, and the winner will be chosen on January 8th, 2014 (extended). Start the year by spreading the joy of movement and story to the little people in your life.
To purchase Kids Yoga Stories books:
Kids Yoga Stories website
The winner of this kids yoga books giveaway will receive:
10 – Kids Yoga Stories book of your choice (up to $159.50 value plus shipping)
Please read the full Contest Rules below for details.
We look forward to your entries. Thank you for taking the time to participate. Please let me know if you have any questions or problems with the Rafflecopter tool below by sending me an e-mail at giselle at kidsyogastories dot com.
Mega 10 Kids Yoga Books Giveaway
To enter the contest, sign in using your Facebook account or e-mail and click on the different ways to enter. You can enter every day using this Rafflecopter online giveaway tool.
Contest Rules:
1. Entries are open worldwide.
2. You can be any age to enter.
3. Participation in the contest constitutes that you agree to the Contest Rules.
4. Please enter using the Rafflecopter tool above, obtaining points as follow the different options.
5. You can enter every day.
6. No purchase is necessary.
7. Kids Yoga Stories accept no responsibility or liability for any injuries or losses that may result from practicing the yoga poses in the books. Please ensure your own safety and the safety of the children.
8. You must enter the contest giveaway with a valid e-mail address. The winner will be notified by e-mail, and at that time, we will request a mailing address. The shipping of the books can take some time, depending on the winner’s location. Kids Yoga Stories will cover the shipping costs.
9. If you have any questions, e-mail Giselle directly at giselle at kidsyogastories dot com.
10. The contest closes on (EXTENDED) Wednesday, January 8th, 2014, midnight EST.
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