Your Results Are In! 

Your dominant dosha is PITTA (fire)

dosha quiz

Pitta types are courageous, competitive, and charismatic.

When you are feeling out of balance, you may feel:

  • Impatient
  • Fiery
  • Stressed

Two questions to ask yourself when you’re unbalanced are:

  • How can I relax and rejuvenate my mind and body right now?
  • How can I stop for a moment and come back to the present moment?

Balanced Pitta Dosha

When you are feeling balanced, you may feel:

  • Passionate
  • Motivated
  • Ambitious

Based on your quiz answers, you are showing dominance in the Pitta dosha at this time. Most people are a combination of doshas or could experience an imbalance with a secondary dosha at different times in their lives.

The key is to learn which of your doshas are predisposed to slipping out of balance, so you can fine-tune your lifestyle and get back into ultimate health and well-being. This gives you a heightened self-awareness and also a deeper appreciation for others.

What's Next?

Click below to explore your dominant dosha and learn what specific choices about your diet, exercise, yoga practice, and lifestyle best suits your particular bio-type.

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